Ever since we moved back to the area I've wanted to visit Callaway Gardens Fantasy In Lights . Well this was finally the year I did it! In case you are unfamiliar with Callway Gardens, it is located in Pine Mountain, Georgia about an hour south of Atlanta. Fantasy in Lights is their Christmas light display and it is truly spectacular.
Purchasing tickets couldn't be easier. We ordered and printed them online from the comfort of home. There is the option of purchasing them on site as well. Be sure and visit their website for pricing and nights of operation. Peak nights cost about $28 for adults and off peak is about $21.
When you arrive at the Gardens there are various activities. The Christmas Village houses many shops as well as a visit with Santa!
There are several places inside the Gardens that you can have dinner prior to the tour. If you don't need a full meal there are numerous food vendors selling coffee, hot chocolate along with carnival type foods. My crew got hot chocolate after the tour.
We walked close to the lake and it was such a lovely sight at sundown. John, Andrew and Andrew's girlfriend in this photo were heading down to get on the trolley.
John ever the good sport let me snap his pic with these characters!
The time slot we selected to ride the trolley was at 6:30pm. There are 2 options of seeing the lights, the trolley is the first and of course you can go in your own vehicle. We opted to go on the trolley but I think if we were ever to do it again we might opt to go in our own car. Mostly due to how chilly it was but, you might be able to see the lights better in your own car. We were almost in the back of the trolley and we couldn't see as well as those at the front. If you opt for the trolley make sure to dress accordingly and bring a blanket!
The lake was stunning as we drove past!
Some of the best spots I couldn't get a good pic of due to my location on the trolley.
The lady in front of us said this was the reason she always takes the tour. The lights dangled all around and overhead, it was magnificent!
If you have littles I believe this is a trip that they would remember always. That said there were more of us that were older. It warmed my heart to hear the squeals of delight from the littles seated around us!
If you have any questions feel free to message me and I'll do my best to answer! This is a great experience and I do encourage everyone to try to see this at least once!
We did this when our kids were elementary aged. We loved it and we still talk about it.