Back in November I took a trip to Scott's Antiques. While there I found few things (as I always do) and a set of 3 old hunt prints were among those. Honestly, when I bought them I didn't have a clue just where they would go but I knew...I'd find a spot. Fast forward to last week, my antique buddy was over and I insisted that she help me find the perfect spot for those. For crying out loud they've been sitting behind the chair in our bedroom since I brought them home. So here they are, hanging above our antique desk. Hanging them almost up to the crown really draws the eye up!
27 March 2014
25 March 2014
The Powder Room Reveal {Finally}
If memory serves, I left you all dangling over the finished product of the powder room back last summer. When last I mentioned the half bath my friend's husband was installing crown molding, you can revisit that post here. The walls and ceiling were both painted Revere Pewter by Benjamin Moore. I'm so glad I used such a neutral color, it looks fab!
21 March 2014
Antique Shopping
By now you all know that I love antiques. Since I was a young girl I could appreciate things that were old. I was fortunate to know two of my Great-Grandmothers. The one that I lived in close proximity to us had an assortment of old and useful antiques. Now... raise your hand if you were a 14 year old girl that wanted a pie safe more than anything? * Raising my hand with enthusiasm!* The Great Grand had a pie safe and on a trip to her house I ask her if I could have it one day, she said YES! I knew then and there that I would always love old/antique pieces. And I want to know the story behind the piece if there is one. That sometimes is almost as important at the piece itself. Over the years, I've picked up antiques around the country as we have moved. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I am always hash tagging Pine Mountain and Old Chipley Market. So I decided it was high time I share the spot with you all.
19 March 2014
The Dining Room
The dining room in our house has worn many different coats of paint in the past 7 years. I like to say it has had an identity crisis. When we first moved in it was red, with no chair rail. Our furniture just faded into the walls. So my bright idea was to paint the same color we had in the Savannah house and add the chair rail. That color was called Lakeshore by Sherwin Williams. After Lakeshore came Paris Mint, it lasted the longest in the dining room mostly because I didn't know else to paint. Regardless of how many paint chips I brought home nothing seemed to fit or feel right. Then a friend told me about a color she'd seen and suggested I look at Benjamin Moore's Paladian Blue. I liked it and it looked gorg with the furniture.
10 March 2014
Saturday Shopping at Scott's Antiques
Here is a view of what their booth looked like.
03 March 2014
A Springtime Green Tablescape
The grass in my yard is a far cry from being green yet. I have to admit, I long to see green grass and blue skies. Maybe it is the long winter we have had or maybe I have spring fever either way, I needed some green in my day! I started playing around with dishes, table linens and candles and it brightened my day.
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