18 December 2014

More Pretty Pictures

Can't help but be a little sad as I bring the close to my posts on the interior of Sweet Home Plantation. There isn't anything about this wall vignette that I don't love!!!


17 December 2014

Dining Room at Sweet Home Plantation

When I visit older homes quite often I find that I get caught up in my own imagination of what life might have been like in that home.  I can just imagine all sorts of scenarios.  The dining room at Sweet Home Plantation is no exception!  The marble around the fireplace is gorgeous and the itty bitty bit of brick that you see around it just sets it off.


16 December 2014

The Parlor at Sweet Home Plantation

Today we continue our tour of Sweet Home Plantation.  The parlor is a show stopper for sure.  The window treatments are truly swoon worthy!  The placement of the art in this room is impeccable.


15 December 2014

Sweet Home Plantation

During the big tent sale that Sweet Home Antiques hosted this past weekend I asked the owners, Bruce & Phil if they would grant me permission to blog about their fabulous home.  Insert a squeal of delight when they said YES!  Their home has a name...Sweet Home Plantation, be sure to visit their website here to see beautiful pics and the services that are offered.  In this photo the home is all dressed for the Christmas Season.


12 December 2014

Christmas Foyer

One area of the house I don't fuss over too much for Christmas is our foyer.  Mostly, I just add garland to the banister.  It is simple and I am good with that.


11 December 2014

The Dining Room Dressed For Christmas

Have I ever mentioned that I absolutely love dishes...aka china?  My dear Mother in Law always says she can make me happy by giving me a plate!  She couldn't be more right.  That being said I must up front give thanks to Pie(MIL) for gifting me an eight place setting of  Holiday Lenox Christmas china.  .


08 December 2014

Christmas Breakfast Tablescape

Christmas morning has always been such a special morning.  At our house the boys are opening Santa and there is lots of cooking going on.  We all enjoy breakfast food so I try to make it an "affair!"  Since we lived away from our family for over 17 years we learned to make simple things mean alot!  When the boys were younger we'd put them to bed and I'd set the breakfast table so after they had opened Santa they'd see lots of pretties.  This year Honey's family will be joining us for Christmas Brunch and the breakfast table will most likely look just like this!


04 November 2014

Antique Shaving Mirror

It happens when  you least expect it.  The "find of the day" as I call it just happens as you amble around a antique mall or flea market.  You spy that something that you just know you can't go home without!  My recent "find of the day" was really pretty incredible.  I'd had seen one at my antique shopping buddy's home and had a fit and just knew if I ever found one it would have to be mine!


03 November 2014

Styling the Trifecta Wall

Sometimes I wonder if builders ever give thought to where they place the thermostats, light switches return vents and so on.  My best guess is that not much thought is given to such as evidenced by what I refer to as the "Trifecta Wall" at our house. It was given that name since it has three winning combinations, that wall is home to the door bell box, the return vent and the thermostat is smack in the middle!  For your viewing pleasure here is a shot of it.


09 October 2014

Sometimes You Get Lucky

Do you ever make lists of things that you would love to find and have?  Surely, I'm not the only one.  On that very long list I have had a tea cart for quite sometime.  As I went around to various places, I'd see tea carts that I like, loved and some that I thought needed to be painted but never did I see one that I "had" to have.  Also, on that list was a tea service.  But I'd always tell myself you can't get a tea service until you have somewhere to put it.

Enter the perfect tea service.


08 October 2014

Changing up the Mantle

Change is always a good thing right?!  It wouldn't be the home of a blogger if vignettes and wall art didn't change every now and then!  I was at a antique store and spotted a gorgeous oil painting that I knew I had to have.  No clue where I would put this newly acquired painting but it deserved a prominent place in our home.   All over the house I walked around with the "dogs" as we refer to them trying to see where they would look best.  I loved them in the bedroom but Honey, not so much. The most serious consideration for the dogs was in the dining room, looked great with the wall color but then Bestie N popped over and suggested the mantle.  It was a  perfect fit for that spot and then as luck would have it, I stumbled upon these two whippet dog statues just begging to come home with me.   The boxes were already on the mantle but just shifted to the other side and the plate was a fabulous find over at Chanticleer in Pine Mountain.


01 September 2014

Changing Up The Kitchen Buffet

It was bound to happen.  The coffee table was dying for a change and I knew the brass tray was gonna have to make a move.  When I saw the tray I was smitten.  In true Tamyra form, it took exactly a week to go back out to the local antique shop and pick it up.


03 August 2014

A Trip to Paradise Has a Rocky Start

Our summer would never be complete without a trip to my fav place...St. Simons Island, Georgia.  As I've mentioned before, Honey picked out SSI for our honeymoon almost 24 years ago.On that honeymoon we both fell in love with the Georgia Coast.
We have a fav little condo that we have stayed in for several years and had booked this year too.  But the week we were headed over, we found out we'd be staying in a different place...a house.  Now I was assured it would be just fine but, it was a little dated.  When we arrived and saw just how dated it was I could have cried!  When she said dated I imaged black appliances instead of stainless....that is dated...but ya'll we are talking plaid curtains and furniture dating back to the 70's.    I called the gal I lease through and was fighting back tears as I ask for the WIFI passcode and she knew I was less than happy.  I even mention that I just don't think we will be staying the entire booked time due to the condition of the property. She apologized and we hung up.  Within 3 minutes she called me and said "we have a unit over at the King and Prince that we are gonna put ya'll in."
 She had me 
at King and Prince.
Somehow, we managed to pack up and throw load everything back into the van and head over to the beach front, King and Prince Resort!  In all these years of going to St. Simons we've never actually stayed on the beach.  No one ever understands why we don't stay on the beach but, I adore Sea Palms Resort. Any way we flew over to the King and Prince Resort and fell in love with it just like Sea Palms.
This is the ocean side of the King & Prince.  I'm not sure if I can ever not stay on the beach again.


02 August 2014

Haven: The Sponsors & Swag

One thing  you can ALWAYS count on at Haven is the fabulous SWAG! Each year we are given these fabulous bags filled with the most amazing things.  Throughout the conference we get to visit with a host of sponsors/vendors and they usually have fabulous goodies for us as well.

Sometimes ya'll... it is all about the SWAG!!!  Cause who doesn't like free stuff...right?

  Here is a diff pic that shows much more of what I brought home!  It filled the dining room table!


21 July 2014

At Last my Haven Recap

It has been a week now since the diy blogger's conference called Haven was held in Atlanta. This was my second year attending and I LOVED every single minute!  Most of the attendees suffer from what we refer to as the Haven Hangover(which has nothing to do with having a cocktail) which is generally caused from being up too late at night and trying to absorb as much blogging and DIY information possible.  Before leaving for Haven I had been under the weather and I even wondered if I'd be able to go...thank goodness for antibiotics and steroid shots cause I was good to go!
I don't look sick at all......


30 June 2014

The Dovecote

I have to be absolutely honest....until recently I didn't know what a dovecote actually was.  In fact, I'd never even heard the word dovecote until early this year.  My antique friend had mentioned wanting one and I just played along like I knew what she was talking about! Now since it had the word dove in it I kinda figured it had something to do with birds!  When I googled it I found that a dovecote is a structure that is meant to house pigeons or doves, so there you have it...you too now know what it is!
At the "big sale" over in Pine Mountain she was able to finally pick her dovecote up.  She came home and promptly got her husband along with our shared handyman, Bob and they got it hung!  It is solid wood and is very heavy so, kudos to them as it was a bit of work to get it up there.


25 June 2014

The BIG Sale

It is hard to believe that just a year ago I didn't even know about the "big sale."  But since last Fall I have been invited to the December sale and the one last week.  I know what you are thinking....what sale is she talking about?  The sale I am referring to is the one that the guys at Sweet Home Antiques put on twice a year.  Bruce and Phil, the owners of Sweet Home Antiques and Sweet Home Plantation travel to England early Spring and Fall to shop for their store.  Prior to putting the merchandise into their store, they have a "big tent sale" at their home which happens to be Sweet Home Plantation. Stay tuned for a future post about the Plantation but for now here is a teaser of what it looks like.


30 May 2014

Graduation Church Service

It is so special each year when our church recognizes the graduating Seniors.  The entire service is centered around what life will have in store for these now young adults.  For the past few years I have helped to host the reception that we have for the Seniors but this year it was my turn to NOT be in charge for obvious reasons and it was such a treat!


29 May 2014

Graduation Mailbox Decor

Each year the graduating seniors in our neighborhood are treated to a congratulatory sign for their mailbox.  They are  made by such a sweet and thoughtful neighbor named Kim.  We were absolutely delighted when she put Andrew's on our mailbox this year!


28 May 2014

Guest Room Redo...Again!

It won't come as any surprise to you all that yet again I've revamped the Guest Bedroom.  As much as I adore that coastal feel that it had, I just thought it might be time for a bit of a change.  The guest room is one of my fav rooms in our house and it gets lots of use considering we are in a college town, football season and all.  I'm always delighted to have guest join us and I have a desire to make their stay a comfortable one.  Even since this pic below I found another little something that I added, you will notice in the next pic.


26 May 2014

Do You Have an Emergency Plan

No....I'm not talking about a hurricane plan or even a fire escape plan.  I'm talking about an I'm away from home and an emergency occurs plan.  Before you even think we had something happen at our house, it didn't.  But Saturday night while watering the plants on our front porch I heard water dripping.  The sound was water hitting a piece of metal.  My first thought was it hasn't rained in over a week so where on this earth was it coming from.  I stood silent for just a bit and realized it was across the street.  As I began to walk up the drive the sound got louder and then I could see that the house across the street had water falling onto their copper roof over their bay window.  At this point I should mention that I have NEVER met these neighbors, seven years I've lived across the street and we've NEVER spoke...can you relate?  Do you have neighbors you've never met?  Back to the story, I get Honey to walk with me over to their house and speak with them if they are even at home.  When we got close to their house you could really see that their was a good bit of water dripping down the side of their house all coming from their attic,  ya'll that is TWO floors that water is seeping into.  This pic doesn't show the whole truth as I took it after a nice hot day but later in the day it was really looking bad!


25 May 2014

Memorial Day Tablescape

Memorial Day was originally called decoration day.  A day where we honor those that have lost their lives in our nation's service.  In my mind I envision ladies decorating their men folk's graves with flowers and flags.  For most, I believe it marks the beginning of summertime.  If there is one thing I like to do it is surely a reason to pull out all of my red, white & blue everything. Memorial Day is a great reason to celebrate by doing just that!  We always do our best to throw some sort of a cookout for the occasion.  The cookout usually consists of burgers and steaks with all the expected trimmings.  Here is a peak of what my table scape typically looks like.


02 May 2014

Changes in the Living Room

It was time for some changes in the Living Room/Office.  The latest addition to the room has been up since before Christmas and how on this earth I didn't think to share it before now is beyond me!  I do love prints of ships and ocean scenes as ya'll well know.  Just as a reminder of what the room looked like before be sure to see those posts here and here.   My collection of coat of arms has at long last found a home right beside the ship print.


30 April 2014

Graduation Invitation Options

How is it even possible that I have a child graduating from High School?!  I mean, ya'll it really does seem like just yesterday that I was walking him down that hall to Kindergarten.  Whether I am ready or not he WILL graduation in late May.  This year has been a flurry of activities all relating to being a Senior.  Just as school finished last year they lined them up for Senior pictures and so it went from there.  Then came the cap and gown order and at last, the invitations.  There are so many options for invitations these days.  Even the schools have a wide variety to chose from.  We and by we I mean...I... selected the invitations we would send.  I don't think that Andrew even cared to be honest.  When the order form for the tradition school invites came I knew that just wasn't what I wanted.  Tiny Prints.com has had some of the most darling of all invitations that I have seen.  But the picture I wanted to put on the invitation wouldn't work, so their program said!  After that revelation  I went with one that didn't have a picture on the actual invite and knew I'd just have to enclose the ones we ordered from his formal portraits. So here are those from Tiny Prints.


23 April 2014

A Southern Styled Yard

Do you consider your outdoor space a place that you can decorate?  To be completely honest, I've never thought much about this short of potted plants in the expected areas, bird baths and a fountain. I could really use some help in this area so, I enlisted my friend for some much needed inspiration.   After sharing her both her front and screened porch, I ask Nadine if I could share her yardscaping...not lawn but yard!  She made me promise to come back when everything is in bloom and you know I said ..YES!  The wrought iron arbor welcomes you through a path around the property.


16 April 2014

A Southern Front Porch

Have you noticed that the front porch has seen somewhat of a revival?  We use them as added rooms for our homes.   We decorate them for all the season, we adorn them with plants of all shapes and sizes.  We even "furnish" our front porches with chairs, tables and I've even seen mirrors.  So much more are done to a porch now than in the day of just hanging a wreath on the door.  The last house we had had a porch that wrapped around all the way to the back of the house, I really miss that porch!  This house doesn't have a covered porch and while it is on a wish list it doesn't seem that will happen any time soon.  So I have to oogle everyone else's porch!  Last week I shared Friend's screened porch, you can catch that post here.  While I was there taking those pictures, it was the perfect opportunity to take pics of the front porch as well.
This is the view of their house, I should mention they just had new windows installed and the painter had not painted one of the casings should you notice that.


15 April 2014

Polishing Hardwood Floors

For those of us that have hardwood floors we know that keeping them looking good can be somewhat of a difficult task.  I will be the first to tell you that mine are scratched and have lost their shine.  Recently, my friend had the inside of her home painted and remarked that the painters had scratched her floors when they moved her furniture around.  It was surprising to me that she wasn't too concerned about it.  She told me she would just mop them with Bona Polish.  I had never heard of this product and was interested to see how it worked.  When I saw her floors I couldn't believe it.....they looked like they had just been refinished!  Since ya'll know what a copy cat I am, I immediately went to Lowe's and picked up some!

Bona 32-fl oz Floor Polish
Bona Microfiber Dust Mop

Bona Mop Pad


09 April 2014

Antiques on a Screened Porch

From the moment I first stepped into my friend's home, I knew there would be a blog post about it...heck if not 1 maybe 2....3...or as many as she would allow!  Our friendship was born out of a mutual decor style.  When we shop together(she's my antique buddy)we almost always gravitate to the same. exact. things!  So today, I am sharing Nadine's screened porch.  I will just go ahead and say it...I have screened porch envy!!!
I adore how she has sprinkled some Majolica pieces around the porch.


01 April 2014

Spring Time in the South

The pictures in this post are too pretty not to share with all of you again this year.  After such a long winter is seems especially nice to see the azaleas in bloom.  
  It is a well known fact here in our little town, that my in laws...aka Pie & G-Dad, have the absolute prettiest yard.  They have even been awarded Prettiest Yard in our fair town.  People come from far and near to have their children photographed there.  It should be noted that G-Dad spends countless hours seeing to every square inch of the yard.  The brother in law owns a nursery business so he makes sure that Pie has every bloom her heart could desire.  So stroll with me through the garden at the Manor on Kimberly.

27 March 2014

The Hunt Prints are Finally Up

Back in November I took a trip to Scott's Antiques.  While there I found  few things (as I always do) and a set of 3 old hunt prints were among those.  Honestly, when I bought them I didn't have a clue just where they would go but I knew...I'd find a spot.  Fast forward to last week, my antique buddy was over and I insisted that she help me find the perfect spot for those.  For crying out loud they've been sitting behind the chair in our bedroom since I brought them home.  So here they are, hanging above our antique desk.  Hanging them almost up to the crown really draws the eye up!


25 March 2014

The Powder Room Reveal {Finally}

If memory serves, I left you all dangling over the finished product of the powder room back last summer.  When last I mentioned the half bath my friend's husband was installing crown molding, you can revisit that post here.  The walls and ceiling were both painted Revere Pewter by Benjamin Moore.  I'm so glad I used such a neutral color, it looks fab!


21 March 2014

Antique Shopping

By now you all know that I love antiques.  Since I was a young girl I could appreciate things that were old.  I was fortunate to know two of my Great-Grandmothers.  The one that I lived in close proximity to us had an assortment of old and useful antiques.   Now... raise your hand if you were a 14 year old girl that wanted a pie safe more than anything? * Raising my hand with enthusiasm!*   The Great Grand had a pie safe and on a trip to her house I ask her if I could have it one day, she said YES! I  knew then and there that I would always love old/antique pieces.  And I want to know the story behind the piece if there is one.  That sometimes is almost as important at the piece itself.  Over the years, I've picked up antiques around the country as we have moved.  If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I am always hash tagging Pine Mountain and Old Chipley Market. So I decided it was high time I share the spot with you all.


19 March 2014

The Dining Room

The dining room in our house has worn many different coats of paint in the past 7 years. I like to say it has had an identity crisis.  When we first moved in it was red, with no chair rail. Our furniture just faded into the walls.  So my bright idea was to paint the same color we had in the Savannah house and add the chair rail. That color was called Lakeshore by Sherwin Williams.  After Lakeshore came Paris Mint, it lasted the longest in the dining room mostly because I didn't know else to paint. Regardless of how many paint chips I brought home nothing seemed to fit or feel right. Then a friend told me about a color she'd seen and suggested I look at Benjamin Moore's Paladian Blue.  I liked it and it looked gorg with the furniture.


10 March 2014

Saturday Shopping at Scott's Antiques

My passion for antiques has rubbed off on my sister.  She has heard me rave about my previous trips to Scott's Antiques and decided it was high time she made a trip with me.  Before we got there I cautioned her not to be overwhelmed when we drove into the parking lot...cause ya'll..it is HUGE!  Sure enough, we drove into the parking lot and she was already saying OMG! I always start at the South Building first, my fav vendors are there.  This is a great shot of what it looked like when we first walked in.

 There is so much to look at you don't really know where to start.  I usually head to those fav vendors first and I always start at Hedgerow Antiques.  They know me by name/face and you know that goes along way!
Here is a view of what their booth looked like.


03 March 2014

A Springtime Green Tablescape

The grass in my yard is a far cry from being green yet.  I have to admit, I long to see green grass and blue skies.  Maybe it is the long winter we have had or maybe I have spring fever either way, I needed some green in my day!  I started playing around with dishes, table linens and candles and it brightened my day.


25 February 2014

Hanging Plates and Mirrors

My mother in law...or as the kids refer to her...Pie always says I am easy to please, just give me a plate and I am happy.  There has probably never been a more true statement, I adore plates and I especially like them hanging on a wall.  For sometime I've had an assortment of blue and white dishes hung over a side table in the dining room.  When I would take a step back it looked as if they "needed" something else hung with them. This week I decided to shop the house for a few unrelated items and then I saw a mirror I had picked up in the Fall. It occurred to me that this mirror might be just what I needed.   I am delighted with the outcome.


22 February 2014

Ingredients for a Southern Party

The past few days I've been helping a friend get ready for her son's wedding shower at our church.  We've done all the required list making and decided who is bringing their best crystal and silver serving pieces.  In addition to the serving pieces, we have also told each other what they make best and who should make/bring what.
It wasn't until this morning on a trip to Publix that it dawned on me as I laid the contents of my shopping cart onto the conveyor how very southern the ingredients for this affair were.


17 February 2014

Kitchen Restyled

Do you ever wonder why it is that you can buy one thing for a room and it necessitates an entire make over of a space?  I happened upon a cheese round that I thought would be perfect in my kitchen and here I am now writing a post about my kitchen restyled.  In case you need a reminder,take a peek at the evolution of our kitchen here.


12 February 2014

Andrew's Bedroom Update

Nothing stays the same too much at our house. Last October we switched the guest bedroom and our oldest son's room.  Almost immediately I knew what to do with the guest room but needed to ponder the 18 year old's room.  Take a look at the before of his room here.  He was ready to move the college "stuff" to the bonus room so stay tuned for a gallery wall with all of those pieces.  What I came up with after a trip to Scott's Antiques was using old world ships.


29 January 2014

Snow Days 2014

The Weather Channel is almost always the channel I have my tv on if I am home alone.  I've been wondering since last Saturday and somewhat preparing for this snow event of 2014 if it would be as bad as they had said  It has lived up to those predictions and then some.  I'm that gal that knows if Jim Cantore says you need to prepare...I prepare... regardless of what he says to prepare for.  Snow and ice in the south is not ever a good thing.  The kids love to be out of school and the idea of playing in snow sounds good to them.  Well, yesterday our school system closed down for what was expected to be "bad" weather.  It was absolutely the right call and I am more than happy that they made that decision.  My kids waited expectantly for that snow.....we got about an inch in the early evening hours which didn't lend to them getting to "play" out in it.  Today, when they both had breakfast they wanted to go out and see what it was like.  It was a bit of disappointment as that snow had really just turned to ice.  So they've both settled in for a day of laying around and playing on their respective computers.  They don't know it yet but I'm about to pull out SpongeBob Monopoly and we are all going to play!  I braved the 14 degree temps to take pics to document the snow fall here in Auburn!


23 January 2014

Tables in the Family Room

For a few months now I've been looking for a round table that I could put behind one of the club chairs in our family room. It had never occurred to me to look for a table to change out with the gate leg table that I had been using between the sofa and a leather chair. Recently on a trip over to Pine Mountain, Georgia we stopped by the Emporium and there it was!  An older and by older I am guessing a 1950's, solid maple table that would fit perfectly where the gate leg table had been.  Now I could move the gate leg table behind the chair and raise one of the sides up.  Now this doesn't mean that should I find the perfect round table I won't get it cause I will.  But for now this is the perfect solution.


21 January 2014

The Foyer

Ages ago, I promised a tour of our foyer.  Well here I am finally getting that done, better late than never right?!  The furnishings that are in the foyer are probably some of my most favorite pieces.  The french Louis XVI chest is without a doubt the prettiest piece in the entire house!  While living in Oklahoma I found a darling little antique store in Waurika and this piece screamed my name. Sadly, I do not know any of the history of this piece. The inlay work is positively gorgeous.  I like to say she is a show stopper!

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