29 March 2017

Honor Society and College Visits

We've been pretty busy the last few weeks with school activities with John, I've enjoyed all of them!

First there was the induction into the National Technical Honor Society.  Auburn High School inducted around 150 students which happened to be the largest number in our state.  Requirements were to maintain a gpa of at least 3.75, have completed 3 classes that are in the realm of technical, John had taken several business classes with plans for more next year, along with community service/volunteer hours.  Many students have taken classes in engineering, culinary arts, along with ROTC, I'm sure there are more I just don't know what they are.

In addition to the National Technical Honor Society John was also inducted into the National Honor Society.  The requirements were pretty much the same.  I know these photos are terrible but I was far away and the lighting wasn't great.

I'm so pleased to say that there were 236 students that were inducted that night!  John has around 625 students in just his junior class.

I snapped a few pics with some of his friends.

Then last week on our cold and positively dreadful spring break we went on John's first college visit.  Stop...Wait... how did that happen?!

I'm oh so glad that we have plenty of time before we have to make this decision!!!

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