On Sunday, we and by we I mean 12 of our closest friends and family surprised the Hubs with a 50th Birthday dinner. My FIL was able to keep him occupied all afternoon while I cooked and fine tuned the house for the event.
It is still such a shock that I actually was able to pull off a surprise for him. It should be noted that I am
never rarely able to keep a secret, but this time I was successful.
This is the dining room table before everyone arrived. On Friday, I popped into Pier 1 and found the most divine chargers. Sadly they only had two but I decided I could make that work! I used navy place mats I picked up at Wal-Mart some time ago and the table runner was a steal at Target.
The potato dish
that I made (Bestie B's recipe) was without a doubt the biggest hit of
the night.
The evening wouldn't have been complete without a few gifts for the new
"old" person, think fiber pills and the like.
I'm so glad that your hubby's party was success! I know you were working hard to make it happen. I love the signs identifying what each dish is. Did you make those?