30 May 2014

Graduation Church Service

It is so special each year when our church recognizes the graduating Seniors.  The entire service is centered around what life will have in store for these now young adults.  For the past few years I have helped to host the reception that we have for the Seniors but this year it was my turn to NOT be in charge for obvious reasons and it was such a treat!

 Right here are my 2 biggest accomplishments John & Andrew.  Who knows what got into them, for a change they actually look like they like each other!
During the church service the Seniors and their parents come forward for the presentation of the church gift which is a Bible.  Andrew has several Bibles but he said he says this one might be his fav.

After the service we stood in a receiving line so everyone can once again give their best wishes to the Seniors.  This pic is surely not one of our best but it will have to do!

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1 comment

  1. Congratulations to Andrew and to you, too. Graduation is such an exciting time in a young person's life. I always think of the Dr. Seuss book. Oh, The Places You'll Go! Thanks for sharing this special time in your lives.


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