09 October 2014

Sometimes You Get Lucky

Do you ever make lists of things that you would love to find and have?  Surely, I'm not the only one.  On that very long list I have had a tea cart for quite sometime.  As I went around to various places, I'd see tea carts that I like, loved and some that I thought needed to be painted but never did I see one that I "had" to have.  Also, on that list was a tea service.  But I'd always tell myself you can't get a tea service until you have somewhere to put it.

Enter the perfect tea service.

  Now before ya'll think I have fallen right into a big old pot of money(wouldn't that be fun) you should know that it is silver plate on top of copper which polishes amazingly easy!  Along with the tea service you can see a few other pieces, the silver coffee urn, a small silver tea pot that was in such bad need of being polished they practically paid me to take it out of the store and then that precious little toast rack...how very Downton Abbey of me don't you think?!

About a week later this tea cart practically fell into my lap...sometimes you just get lucky and I couldn't be happier with this pretty little corner in my dining room!

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  1. Lucky indeed!! Gorgeous display...love the blue and white soup tureen too!

  2. Wow, the tea service is beautiful. What perfect timing on finding the tea cart!

  3. How lucky of you! They look beautiful just like they were made for each other!!

  4. What a great find! Your tea service looks fabulous on your tea cart!


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