As you all know, we live in Auburn, Alabama home to Auburn University. I believe that I’ve mentioned that we ( Honey & I) are also alumni of Auburn University. Through out the college campuses around the country, all are steeped in tradition and Auburn University is no different. Our beloved tradition of rolling the Auburn Oaks with toilet paper has been around long before my days as a student. In 2010, Auburn won it’s second National Championship and it was a grand day! But shortly after the win, a person that I will leave nameless poisoned those 83-85+ year old oak trees. We, the Auburn Family felt the loss in such a way that can not be described or explain. Countless attempts to save our trees were made but, we all knew after reading about Spike 80 ( the poison) that those attempts would not be enough.
It didn’t take much time for the trees to show the results of the poison. The following April the trees would be celebrated and rolled one last time in our big send off. My post on the last roll can be found here!
With the removal of the poisoned oaks, plans were drawn up for a revision of Samford Plaza and Toomer’s Corner.
The fans and family have waited patiently for years for the planting of Auburn Oaks. On a cold Valentine’s Day this year we joined many of the Auburn Family to finally see the descendants of the original live oaks planted. How fitting the day since we all love those trees and the tradition.
The Tree below sit on College Street.
This Tree is going in on Magnolia.
They’ve asked that we not roll them until the Fall of 2016 to let them get use to their new environment/home.
The Corner has looked bare to those of us that live here day in and day out. I drive by the spot everyday twice a day and the trees have been sorely missed!
So I leave you with this photo of the new trees and a line of the Auburn Creed.
I believe in Auburn….and love it!
War Eagle Tamyra! Love the pics! My hubby and I went to Auburn as well and were very sad to see what happened to the trees. Very excited to see new ones in place!