03 February 2015

Sweet Home Antiques Tent Sale

What an absolute pleasure it is to tell you just a little bit more about Sweet Home Antiques.  Their tent sale is one of the single most anticipated events in all of West Georgia and it happens TWICE a year!

  Shortly after they opened the store they began making trips to England to shop for antiques.  Bruce tells the tale of their first trip and it was pretty funny to hear him tell it.  It involved not having flashlights or rain boots and a very dark and wet experience.  On this trip they met some fellow antique hunters and they were all exchanging ideas about how they would sell or use their "finds."  When it was Bruce and Phil's turn to tell where they would sell theirs, a lady in the group realized that they had Sweet Home Plantation and she suggested that they should host a tent sale on site.  She mentioned it would be ideal for shoppers to actually see similar pieces in a home for purposes of ideas and the home in and of itself would draw a crowd!  This advice really set the tent sale in motion.  Bruce recounts it as the single best advice they were ever given.

So twice a year in the Spring and Fall the guys take a trip to England.  Those of us that anxiously await the trip start checking the store website, hungry for the first glimpse of all the fabulous antiques they find!

Did I mention that when you go to the Tent Sale they are more than happy to tour you through the home?  I blogged an entire week about the home, start with this post here.

Now ya'll know that I had to bring home at least 1 or maybe 2 of these English Oak Biscuit Barrels...and maybe a breadboard too.

 They have enough Blue Willow for me and ya'll!

  And the Staffordshire...ooo lala lah!!!  Don't miss the Majolica behind the Staffies!

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how very  Downton Abby this gong is!

Last but surely not least is the Barley Twist Table that Sister commissioned me to purchase for her...via cell phone pics.

Gorgeous isn't it?!  She vows to let me snap some pics on my next visit to show you all!

 Come June they will host another another Tent Sale and be sure....I will be there!

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  1. That really looks like my kind of sale! I do hope you will give us a heads up before it happens!


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