28 November 2015

The Only Game that Matters {War Eagle}

I've just barely gotten the Thanksgiving dishes washed and put away when I started getting ready for the game of the year!  If you live in the state of Alabama one thing is for sure, you have to make a choice....you either pull for Auburn or the other university in the state.  Without a doubt you know who my team is WAR EAGLE!!!   I'm not just a fan, we(Honey & Me) are Auburn Alumni.

This Saturday is the big game between the two teams.  We've both attended many of the games but, this year we will be watching from home.  We've opted to have a little gathering of friends over to watch the game and EAT!

So this morning before I head out to go pick up the food I've order(I'm not cooking anymore this week)I thought I'd share my tablescape.  In case you are wondering why I have toliet paper on a tree.....it's an Auburn tradition!  When we win be it football, baseball, basketball whatever.... we roll the oak trees down at Toomer's Corner!

Over the years I've collected and been gifted many Auburn serving pieces.  But as you see by my tablescape I pull out anything blue and orange for my table to include my Blue Willow collection.

While this season has surely not been one of our best ....but I believe in Auburn and love it!

 photo signature_zpsea91d061.png


  1. War Eagle, sweet friend! Love it!!

    1. I knew my fellow Auburn Blogger friends might like this! War Eagle anyway right?!

  2. Beautiful table design. I love how you mixed your blue and white this the orange. My neighbors are Auburn alumni and they fly their flag high and proud. Now off to tackling my tree that's crooked and half the lights are out. :) thanks for sharing. Go War Eagles!!!

  3. Simply fabulous. War Eagle. I was proud of our Tigers.

  4. tamyra! I love the blue and white tablescape!


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