05 May 2016

A New Home for the Dogs

A couple weeks ago I shared a post about my new painting for over the fireplace, you can catch up on that here.  When I changed out one painting for the new one it left the dogs homeless.  Here they are in all their glory over the mantle.

Beautiful they are but, it was just time for a change.  So for the last week the dogs have sat homeless in the corner of the bedroom.  Then on Saturday night when I was forced to watch tv in the living room it came to me.....the dogs needed to move in there.  Now the painting I had in the spot I loved there but, did think it might be time for a change in there as well.  Here is what that looked like.

This ship painting is one of my all time fav pieces of art in the house so you can for sure count on this showing up somewhere else in the house...soon.

The dogs are well suited in this spot.  I'm glad to have them back up on the wall.  Now I've started a full scale, 3 county, 2 state search for a new lamp as this one just kinda sits there... can't have that!

I'm curious, what do you all think about the new home for the dogs?
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