13 December 2017

Merry & Bright Holiday Home Tour 2017 {Part 3}

Well  guys...here we are the final edition of the Merry and Bright Holiday Home Tour!  I can hardly believe today is our last day, seems like we just got started!  I'm glad you've checked in with us each week for the wonderful inspiration that everyone has shared.  If you have stopped by from Confetti Style, I'm delighted to have you visit.  There is so much more you can learn all about me right here.
Today on our stop I'm sharing my holiday and most likely winter bar cart.

In years past I've had my coffee/hot chocolate  station on the kitchen counter.  This year when I found the bar cart of my dreams I knew I'd use it in a host of different ways and beverage station for winter was at the top of my list!

My Tiffany cup looks just perfect on the bar cart!  I was gifted a pair from a very dear friend earlier this year.

In this house we are crazy for all things peppermint.  It is a mainstay for all warm beverages around this house.

The boys love to dunk a cookie in their cocoa so I always have cookies and plates handy for a quick snack.

I have just one more space I'm gonna share with ya'll.   This is where all the red went for this year.  The entire tree is decorated in just red ornaments.  This tree sits in front of the big window that is very much a focal point for the house.

 I 'd love to know what to call this space....I have struggled for 10 years what to refer to this area as.  I think if I had known we were going to live here this long I'd have put bookshelves on the longer wall and called it the library!  It is pretty much my equestrian space as it is heavy in horse decor!

It has a been such a pleasure to have you follow along on this year's Merry and Bright Holiday Home Tour! The homes shared have surely been full of inspiration for me and I hope you as well!  Next up on your tour today is MJones Style, I know she has something fabulous to share!

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  1. Beautiful Tamyra. Your red Christmas tree is truly stunning. And that bar cart was definitely a major score. Thanks for sharing your lovely home with all of us this year on the Merry & Bright Holiday Home Tour. 'Tis the season!

  2. The bar cart is very pretty. I have a room in my home that I am not sure what to call it either. Either way that cabinet is beautiful in that room.

  3. Tamyra, this bar cart is one I'd dream of as well. How beautiful it looks all dressed up for the holidays and the Tiffany cup is the crown jewel! Your home is my style and so much more. Merry Christmas, friend.


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