24 January 2015

Let's Talk Steak

Do you have a standard dish you prepare on Saturday night?  We typically grill on the weekend (weather permitting).  What we grill might vary from steak to burgers to hot dogs.  Tonight, we grilled up a couple steaks.  What makes this different or special is what we put on them.

My dearest friend, Donna in Savannah, Ga can cook absolutely anything!  I can call her up and say I had a such and such for lunch today...how do you think they made it.  She can ALWAYS tell me to prepared it  A few weeks back Donna mentioned that "all" the chefs(she is in the know) in Savannah use a product called CharCrust on their steaks.  She had picked some up and approved of the product.

So off I went to find CharCrust.  Turns out you can't buy it in Auburn, Alabama.  After a trip antiquing in Montgomery I picked some up at Fresh Market along with a couple of Filets.

To show what CharCrust looks like I poured it onto a plate.

Now this is the second time we've used this product and I must admit...I do not like the steak dredged through the spices.  Just before putting on a very hot grill I preferred to take a spoon and sprinkle generously onto the meat.  Prior to putting it on the steak I salt the meat for a few hours.

This is absolutely the best steak I have ever had that wasn't prepared at a steak house. Bestie N tried some on a piece of Salmon and said it was delish ! I'd like to add that this is NOT a sponsored post and the opinions are mine, Donna's and Bestie N's!

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